Amazing health benefits of Desert Poppy Naturals Immune Booster
The Health Benefits of each ingredient:
Amazing Benefits & Uses of Lobelia
People use lobelia for a wide range of natural medicinal treatments, thanks to its unique nutrient profile and versatility.
Lobelia is actually an entire genus of flowering plants that are primarily found in tropical and temperate areas of the world. There are more than 400 species in this genus, all of which go by the common name of lobelias. One of the most popular varieties for its medicinal properties is Lobelia inflata, commonly called Indian tobacco. The above ground parts of the plant can be used for many different treatments. [1]
Lobelia is not an addictive herb, but it does have certain chemicals that have similar effects as nicotine. Rather than being addictive, however, this chemical can help people overcome their addiction to nicotine, so this herb is known as a good aid for quitting smoking. The components of lobelia, including alkaloids, calcium, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium, as well as unique antioxidants lobeline and lobelanine, are the cause of this herb’s many benefits.
The many benefits of this herb include stimulating the respiratory system, improving immune health, and aiding smoking cessation, among others.
Known as a powerful anti-spasmodic, lobelia is particularly effective for treating problems in the respiratory system. If you suffer from regular asthma attacks, drinking a tea made from this herb can soothe that inflammation and suppress the desire to cough, as well as problems with breathing. [2]
Not only can it help to suppress inflammation in the respiratory tracts, but it can also help to expel mucus and phlegm from the sinuses and respiratory tracts, which is where pathogens and other foreign particles can become lodged. [3]
This herb is often used for its topical benefits, and when made into a salve or poultice, it can be applied to the site of a ringworm infection. Applying regularly for a week or so can clear up the infection very effectively. [4]
There are certain muscle-relaxing qualities of this herb, so when topically applied or internally consumed, lobelia can help ease muscle strain and tension, which can aid those who have sleep problems. [5]
There is a key chemical in lobelia, known as lobeline, that has a similar effect on the body to nicotine. It can occupy the same chemical receptors in the brain and body but is not known as an addictive substance. As a result, moderate and careful use of this herb is commonly prescribed for people who want to quit smoking.
Due to the incredible diaphoretic and anti-bacterial properties of this herb, it also helps treat insect bites and bronchitis. Lobelia is also beneficial for lung cleansing.
Amazing Benefits & Uses of Elecampane
Elecampane was beloved by the Celts and revered by the Romans, making this distant cousin of sunflower one of the world’s oldest herbal medicines.
Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a large, woody plant that is a member of the sunflower family. It is commonly known as horse heal or elfdock and is native to Europe and Asia. Historically prescribed as a digestive tonic, it is also famously used to flavor absinthe and vermouth, among various other applications. [1]
There are many benefits of elecampane, including the following.
The many uses of elecampane include the following:
Benefits of Yarrow:
It is helpful in relieving fevers, shortening the duration of cold and flu, helping improve relaxation during illness, and relieving cramps associated with hormones or illness. Applied topically, it is helpful with skin itching, rash or other issues.
An external tincture or poultice will often help with hemorrhoids, rashes and broken skin. Some people will notice relief from allergy symptoms by drinking a tea of yarrow and mint.
“Yarrow flower used in chronic diseases of the urinary apparatus, is especially recommended by Prof. J. M. Scudder. It exerts a tonic influence upon the venous system, as well as upon mucous membranes. It has been efficacious in sore throat, hemoptysis, hematuria and other forms of hemorrhage where the bleeding is mall in amount; incontinence of urine, diabetes, hemorrhoids with bloody and mucoid discharges, and dysentery. Also in amenorrhea, flatulency and spasmodic diseases, and in the form of injection in leucorrhea with relaxed vaginal walls. It will be found to be one of our best agents for the relief of menorrhagia.”
Priest & Priest tell us that it is a mild, slow, and stimulating diaphoretic that is best used for the first stage of acute fevers, and for atonic and relaxed tissues where there is free discharge or passive hemorrhage of bright red blood. They recommend cold preparations to stimulate the appetite and tone the digestive organs, and give the following specific indications: Acute stage of colds; influenza and respiratory catarrhs; chronic diarrhea and dysentery; epistaxis; intestinal hemorrhage, bleeding hemorrhoids, uterine hemorrhage; profuse or protracted menstruation; and leucorrhea.”
From Mountain Rose Herbs:
“The British Herbal Compendium notes that preparations of yarrow lower fevers, induce sweating, stop cramps, encourage menstruation, relieve inflammation, and stimulate the release of stomach acid to digest proteins and fats. The herb is taken internally to treat colds, fevers, and indigestion, and used in skin treatments of slow-healing wounds. The Complete German Commission E Monographs recommends sitz baths with yarrow added to the bath water to relieve pelvic cramps in women.”
Fennel is a perennial with yellow flowers. It is grow natively in Mediterranean, but it can be found now throughout the world. Fennel seed mostly use in cooking as flavored spice. Another function, fennel also use in medicinal problem.
Fennel used for digestive condition like intestinal gas, heartburn, and boating. It is also used for respiratory problem like cholera, bronchitis, cough, and visual problems. Many women using fennel to add the milk flow, prevent menstrual problem, and sometime to boost sex drive. It also main material in the alcohol absinthe, even the plant doesn’t have hallucinogenic agent.
Fennel seed nutrition
The reason as medicinal values, fennel has many benefit vitamins, minerals, nutrients, etc. The fennel seeds may says as the storehouse to many vitamins. Vitamin A, E, C and B-complex are concentrated in these seeds.
Health benefits of fennel seed
There are numerous health benefits of fennel seed, due the essential oils components.
Fennel seed exist anti-oxidant material inside it. These chemical has function removes free radicals from the body and protect from aging, infection, cancers, and neurological diseases. fennel seed has numerous health benefits, first thing it works as a antioxidant. The seed reduces unwanted radical in the body and prevent any diseases which can lead to serious stage. the antioxidant that contains in these seed is quercetin and kaemoferol are known to fight degenerative reactions and useful too in prevent ageing.
Reduce digestive problem
Fennel seed is rich of dietary fiber that helps increase part of the food by absorbing liquid throughout the digestive system and eased constipation condition. Fennel seed is most commonly used to treat flatulence and to reduce gases inside the stomach.
Protect the colon from cancer
Dietary fiber bind cholesterol and reduce their colon absorption. It helps lower cholesterol levels. With anti-oxidants, fennel fiber helps protect the colon from cancers. fennel seed extract is quite impressive to cancer protection. It knows that the extract can not only prevent the tumors growth, but it can plays as protection against the radiation effects during treating cancer. Fennel seed has known to be protection of numerous cancers.
Produce red blood cell
Fennel seed was contained many minerals like iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Copper is stimulates the red blood production. Iron is stimulates red blood formation. Zinc is stimulates red blood growth and developed. Potassium is an important property that helps control blood pressure. Manganese is powerful anti-oxidant.
Beats and breath
Taking a fennel seeds will refresh your breath, especially get rid of bad breath. The antimicrobial compound tackle the germs that causing bad breathing. The antibacterial compound also soothe sore gums. Chewing a little of fennel seed will sweeten your breath and reduce of bad breath. In addition, you can use a lukewarm fennel tea to rinse your mouth diminish bad breath.
Aid digestion
Fennel is beneficial to relieve digestion condition such as indigestion, flatulence, bloating, heartburn, constipation, colic, and even irritable bowel. This herb soothe the digestive tract and prevent the gas formed. Moreover, it help repair the digestive system after chemotherapy. So, when suffer from indigestion, you can drink fennel tea or fennel seed powder with water twice a day.
Reduce water retention
Regularly drink a fennel tea helps flush out fluids from the body as diuretic. You can relieve puffy eyes by apply strong fennel tea beneath your eyes. To prevent and relieve water retention, fennel helps reduce toxins and urinary problems. In addition, fennel has diaphoretic component that will provide perspiration.
Reduce obesity
Fennel is powerful to fight obesity and creates a fullness feeling. Fennel plays by boosting the metabolism and breaking fats. Fennel helps relieve water retention because diuretic, which is stimulate weight gain. Fennel seed contains various of dietary fiber that has essential function to the body. The fiber material helps fix digestion in the body, by breaking food molecules to create an energy.
Prevent cancer
Fennel helps decrease the colon cancer risk to develop because it removes carcinogenic toxins. This herb has an anti-inflammation that effecting on anti-cancer. A study found this phytonutrient could stop breast cancer from grow. Moreover, fennel seed has an anti-inflammation called anethole that helps reduce carcinogenic toxins and has anti-cancer effects. Other compound such as limonene and quercetin exist in this ingredient also has anticarcinogenic effects.
Reduce menstrual problem
Many factors may affect in menstrual cycle. Fennel seed has emmenagogue chemical that promote menstrual flow. The phytoestrogens in fennel seed can help issue related premenstrual condition and menopausal diseases. A study by researchers indicates that fennel can help diminish painful menstruation. Fennel traditionally used to promote lactation in mothers. Traditionally, fennel seed is also used to soothe pain reducer and relaxing women with menopausal.
Cure respiratory illness
Fennel contains expectorant properties that help reduce respiratory infections. Fennel seed is useful way to treat any respiratory disorders like cough, congestion, bronchitis, etc. due to its expectorant component. When suffer a cough and throat problem, you can drink fennel tea twice a day.
Prevent cardio problem
Fennel can relieve the risk cardio problem to grow. The potassium helps lowering blood pressure that potentially changes into a benign form. Fennel root is contains dietary fiber that helps to control cholesterol spread.
Stimulate healthy eye
Researchers have found that fennel can help relieve pressure on eye. It also helps to treat glaucoma, that associated to vision disease. Another researcher revealed that fennel seeds contained a compound that prevents vision loss. You can get these benefits by drink fennel tea.
Improve brain function
Fennel seed helps as a brain booster. Studies revealed that fennel seed helps increase cognitive performance. Fennel has high levels of potassium, which improved electrical conduction, stimulating to healthy brain and cognitive capabilities.
Reduce colitis
Early studies suggest that consuming fennel and combine like dandelion, calendula, and lemon balm, can reduce pain in people with colon swelling.
Studies found that drinking daily of fennel tea that combine with elderberry, anise, can reduce constipation. Fennel seeds can act as a laxative. It helps clear the bowels and helps maintain the proper peristaltic motion. Fennel mostly found in medicines to treat abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.
Painful menstruation
Some study suggests that daily consuming fennel extract can reduce painful menstruation called dysmenorrhea. Fennel is also eases and regulates menstruation. Fennel is used to relieve the PMS effect and for menopausal women.
Reduce hirsutism
Another study reveals that using fennel cream for three months reduce hair on women body hair.
Cure constipation
Fennel seeds can act as a laxative in the powdered form. This medicine will helps to clear the bowels, and works to maintain the peristaltic motion. Laxative will also help provide precise excretion through bile production. That’s why, fennel seed commonly used in medicines to treat diarrhea, abdominal pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and other.
Reduce effect sunburn
Applying fennel to the skin before ultraviolet exposure can diminish sunburn effect. Use this treatment as long as you want to go out.
Polymeric in fennel seed is useful in Renal Colic treatment. Another chemical compound called Phytoestrogens also found in the essential oil inside fennel seed. This fennel component makes helpful in Colic treatment. Fennel seed has antispasmodic property that helps to relax muscles and relieve with associated condition.
Treat anemia
Iron and amino acid which existed in the fennel seeds, are helpful to treat anemia. Iron is the hemoglobin constituent, histidine provide to hemoglobin production and helps in various blood components to form. fennel seed is helpful to cure an anemia.
Reducing inflammation
The components inside fennel seed is essential oils are stimulate digestive secretion. It reducing inflammation of the stomach and facilitating nutrients absorption from food. It can remove constipation and protect the body from troubles. Fennel has already known to relieve an inflammation and helps to protect eyes from conditions associated to aging, like degeneration.
Fennel is popular as anti-flatulent, caused by carminative properties found in fennel. Its extract can be used as a way to remove flatulence and expelling stomach gas. Fennel seed mostly used to relieve flatulence both in infants and children and non-ulcer dyspepsia symptoms.
Heart disease
Fennel is a great fiber sources, it also helps keep the blood stream healthy. This means trigger the cholesterol elimination, which is lead to heart disease, and strokes. it also works to keep cholesterol level stay healthy. This mean can eliminate damaged cholesterol, which is lead in strokes and heart disease.
Prevent breast cancer
The fennel seed extract has been studied relating cancer protection is impressive. The extract will not only avoid the tumor to grow, but it can protect during cancer treatment. Fennel seed extract has revealed to prevent various liver cancer and breast cancer.
Blood pressure
Fennel is rich of potassium, which is vital nutrient for important process. Potassium plays as a vasodilator, which relaxes the blood tension by diminishing blood pressure. Blood pressure is related to health issues, like heart attack, and stroke. and, for patients with diabetic conditions, high blood pressure can make glucose and insulin very difficult to manage. This condition can lead many potential complications. A cup of fennel seed in your diet program will increase potassium.
Brain Function
High levels of Potassium can be found in fennel bulbs and seeds. Potassium is an electrolyte, which increased electrical conduction in the body. Potassium helps to improve brain function and cognitive abilities. Fennel also supplies oxygen to the brain to work at optimal function. This includes brain connections which is electric switchboard. fennel seed is a vasodilator too, it means if the oxygen reach the brain in a big amunt, then neural activity works in maximal functionality.
Some special components in fennel seed which is essential oil has antibacterial and disinfectant properties. Fennel is commonly used over the world as mouth fresheners, antacid remedies and toothpastes.
Fennel seed has essential oil in the inside, and the essential oil contain cineole and anetol. This two compund have a same function as antibacterial and disinfectant. Fennel helps in treat diarrhea because the essential oil has antibacterial and disinfectant properties. An amino acids can aid the function of the digestive system, and eliminate diarrhea. Fennel has been used as a way to remove diarrhea and helps treat diarrhea that lead to indigestion.
Immune System
Fennel is element of diet. Vitamin-C increases immune system, repairs and produces skin layer, stimulated collagen formed, also protects the blood vessel. The antioxidant fights the free radical effects. 1 cup of fennel exists of vitamin-C that body needs daily. This vitamin makes fennel seed is beneficial component of our diet. Vitamin-C leads immune system, also repairs skin layer, produces collagen, and gives protection to the blood vessel. The antioxidant fight the free radicals effects that can affected to heart disease.
Breast Enlargement
Flavonoid can increase the estrogen amount. Fennel seeds helps increase the breasts size by stimulate the new cells formation and the breast tissues. Daily consuming a fennel tea on a same basis may improve the production of breast milk in mothers and cleaning out toxins from the body. The flavonoids act as a tonic and stimulant. Fennel helps improve the breasts size by formed a tissue and new cells in the breast.
Eye Care
Using fennel helps eyes protection, and reduces disorders related to macular degeneration. This is due to antioxidants which has benefit for skin rejuvenation and prevent from aging. Fennel juice can be applied on the eyes to reduce fatigue and eye irritation. This is due essential oil in fennel seed, like magnesium and cobalt.
Respiratory Disorders
Fennel is workful in respiration disorders such bronchitis and cough by Anetol and Cineole component. Fennel seeds powder can help fade phlegm, toxins loosening and eliminate respiratory conditions. This component also build the throat and nasal passages for recovery from respiratory disorder.
Bone health
Fennel seed helps prevent osteoporosis. Using this ingredient every day for six weeks can prevent bone break. Studies revealed that the bone-strengthening may be due to fennel ability to inhibit activity of bone-destroying cells.
Ocular pressure reduction
Chemical properties in fennel seed may stimulate healthy circulation, according to a study in 2012. Studies found that fennel seeds stimulate blood dilation. They noted that fennel contains nitrites higher than other seeds.
Skin glowing
Fennel seed is providing numerous vitamins to serve your skin that give you a younger skin. Fennel tea, if consumed on a daily routinely, helps to improve the skin texture as it cures acne and makes the skin look glowing and flawless. Besides that, fennel seed is also make hair stronger, avoid hair lossen, and has cooling effect. This can be applied with little sugar and salt.
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your . Health Care Provider.
- Elderberry - No longer just a folk remedy or tasty berry to add to fruit salads, the humble elderberry has been studied by the medical establishments due to it’s incredible immune boosting abilities. Elderberries contain a unique protein that helps stimulate communication and regulate immune responses. They also contain large amounts of antioxidants which prevent cell damage. They have been used for thousands of years to treat everything from vision impairments, colds and flu, blood pressure, viral infections, diarrhea, and doctors in Israel are using them to treat cancer and AIDS.
- Cloves – Cloves act as an expectorant, which help in lowering the severity of coughs by producing more phlegm. Cloves also contain a powerful essential oil known as eugenol, which can be used topically as a dental antiseptic as well as tannins which act like painkillers.
- Ginger – The use of ginger to treat a wide range of ailments goes back to ancient times. It has very powerful anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial propoerties.
- Cinnamon – In ancient chinese and Ayurvedic medicine, cinnamon was used for colds, flatulence, nausea, diarrhea, and painful menstrual periods. It's also believed to improve energy, vitality, and circulation which in turn stimulate immune response.
- Echinacea - Echinacea extract can be used for treating the onset of a sore throat and is especially beneficial if taken at the first signs of flu and cold symptoms.
- Astragalus - Boosts the Immune System In terms of reputation, boosting the immune system is astragalus’ claim to fame. It’s been used in this capacity for thousands of years. A study out of Beijing displayed its ability to control t-helper cells 1 and 2, essentially regulating the body’s immune responses.
- Rosemary - Reduces Cough. The leaves of rosemary remove the phlegm and mucus from the respiratory system, providing relief from a cough, cold, flu, and even asthma. Rosmarinic acid prevents any kind of fluid accumulation in the lungs.
Antibacterial & Antimicrobial - Rosemary is specifically powerful against bacterial infections. It is linked to preventing staph infections, which causes lethal boils and blisters, and is highly contagious. It also eradicates various gram negative and gram positive bacteria completely.
Boosts Immunity - The active components in rosemary are antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-carcinogenic in nature. This represents a three-pronged attack against many different diseases and pathogens that could threaten the immune system or damage the integrity of the body.
- ROOIBOS -Packed with Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Properties
- Roobios is rich in polyphenols including aspalathin and nothofagin, which are two polyphenol antioxidants. These antioxidants help protect the body by fighting free radicals or unstable cells that attack healthy cells to stabilize themselves. The polyphenols in rooibos tea have anti-inflammatory properties, which assists in preventing heart related illnesses. Finally, the antiviral properties of polyphenols provide an added boost to the immune system, which helps protect the body from common colds, viruses and the flu.
- Aids the Respiratory System
Rooibos tea is a bronchodilator. A bronchodilator is a substance that dilates the bronchi and bronchioles, and in doing so, it increases airflow to the lungs making breathing easier. With the decrease of resistance in the respiratory airway, drinkers of rooibos tea will get the added boost of preventing common cardiovascular diseases including atheroschelorsis and heart attacks. It may also help combat the symptoms of asthma. - Improves Blood Circulation
Many Americans suffer from poor blood circulation, which may lead to serious health issues including a heart attack. Roobios contains chrysoeriols, which is a flavonoid with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. This compound aids blood circulation and has been linked to reducing cholesterol. It does this by preventing the activity of certain enzymes that are known to trigger cardiovascular diseases. - WILD CHERRY BARK - For Respiratory Conditions
Wild cherry bark has traditionally been used to treat coughs and other respiratory complaints. It has excellent natural expectorant qualities meaning that the bark can help to loosen up phlegm or mucus from the respiratory system.
Wild cherry bark tea or syrups can help you expel this phlegm or mucus and clear out the bronchial tubes allowing you to breathe far more comfortably. - Wild cherry bark also possesses various minerals such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron and zinc.
As well as coughs and colds, people have traditionally used wild cherry bark throughout the years to treat a wide variety of other respiratory conditions. It has been used to treat bronchitis, tuberculosis, asthma, catarrh and scrofula. - As well as expectorant properties, wild cherry bark has antitussive qualities and the ability to suppress coughing very effectively and quickly. People with chronic coughs and nervous coughs may well benefit from its use.
Amazing Benefits & Uses of Lobelia
People use lobelia for a wide range of natural medicinal treatments, thanks to its unique nutrient profile and versatility.
Lobelia is actually an entire genus of flowering plants that are primarily found in tropical and temperate areas of the world. There are more than 400 species in this genus, all of which go by the common name of lobelias. One of the most popular varieties for its medicinal properties is Lobelia inflata, commonly called Indian tobacco. The above ground parts of the plant can be used for many different treatments. [1]
Lobelia is not an addictive herb, but it does have certain chemicals that have similar effects as nicotine. Rather than being addictive, however, this chemical can help people overcome their addiction to nicotine, so this herb is known as a good aid for quitting smoking. The components of lobelia, including alkaloids, calcium, vitamin C, potassium, and magnesium, as well as unique antioxidants lobeline and lobelanine, are the cause of this herb’s many benefits.
The many benefits of this herb include stimulating the respiratory system, improving immune health, and aiding smoking cessation, among others.
Known as a powerful anti-spasmodic, lobelia is particularly effective for treating problems in the respiratory system. If you suffer from regular asthma attacks, drinking a tea made from this herb can soothe that inflammation and suppress the desire to cough, as well as problems with breathing. [2]
Not only can it help to suppress inflammation in the respiratory tracts, but it can also help to expel mucus and phlegm from the sinuses and respiratory tracts, which is where pathogens and other foreign particles can become lodged. [3]
This herb is often used for its topical benefits, and when made into a salve or poultice, it can be applied to the site of a ringworm infection. Applying regularly for a week or so can clear up the infection very effectively. [4]
There are certain muscle-relaxing qualities of this herb, so when topically applied or internally consumed, lobelia can help ease muscle strain and tension, which can aid those who have sleep problems. [5]
There is a key chemical in lobelia, known as lobeline, that has a similar effect on the body to nicotine. It can occupy the same chemical receptors in the brain and body but is not known as an addictive substance. As a result, moderate and careful use of this herb is commonly prescribed for people who want to quit smoking.
Due to the incredible diaphoretic and anti-bacterial properties of this herb, it also helps treat insect bites and bronchitis. Lobelia is also beneficial for lung cleansing.
Amazing Benefits & Uses of Elecampane
Elecampane was beloved by the Celts and revered by the Romans, making this distant cousin of sunflower one of the world’s oldest herbal medicines.
Elecampane (Inula helenium) is a large, woody plant that is a member of the sunflower family. It is commonly known as horse heal or elfdock and is native to Europe and Asia. Historically prescribed as a digestive tonic, it is also famously used to flavor absinthe and vermouth, among various other applications. [1]
There are many benefits of elecampane, including the following.
- It is an expectorant and anti-inflammatory able to calm coughs, colds, and asthma. In the 1800s, elecampane was a popular immunostimulatory ingredient in cough drops and cough syrups for this exact reason. [2] [3]
- Elecampane has been used since the days of the ancient Greeks as a tonic to aid digestion, and its antibacterial qualities make it a common treatment for diarrhea and nausea.
- Various parts of this plant are also popularly used as an anthelmintic, killing worms and ridding the system of infestations.
- It has antimicrobial properties and is used to relieve respiratory conditions such as bronchitis. [4]
- This herb is a slight stimulant and is thought to be good for the pelvis and menstruation.
- It has slight diuretic properties and is thought to be specifically helpful for infections of the urinary system.
The many uses of elecampane include the following:
- The rhizome or root of elecampane is the part that is most frequently used medicinally.
- The dried root may be eaten by itself, chewed to release the compounds, or administered as a tincture or liquid extract.
- A tea may be made from the root as well, and it is also a popular essential oil.
- Pregnancy & breastfeeding: Women should avoid taking this herb during pregnancy or while breastfeeding.
- Allergy: People who have an allergy to the ragweed family may have an adverse cross-reaction.
- Sleepiness: Elecampane causes sleepiness, therefore it is recommended to stop taking it at least two weeks prior to surgery. Furthermore, you should not use these herbal remedies if you are going to operate heavy machinery or drive a car.
Benefits of Yarrow:
It is helpful in relieving fevers, shortening the duration of cold and flu, helping improve relaxation during illness, and relieving cramps associated with hormones or illness. Applied topically, it is helpful with skin itching, rash or other issues.
An external tincture or poultice will often help with hemorrhoids, rashes and broken skin. Some people will notice relief from allergy symptoms by drinking a tea of yarrow and mint.
“Yarrow flower used in chronic diseases of the urinary apparatus, is especially recommended by Prof. J. M. Scudder. It exerts a tonic influence upon the venous system, as well as upon mucous membranes. It has been efficacious in sore throat, hemoptysis, hematuria and other forms of hemorrhage where the bleeding is mall in amount; incontinence of urine, diabetes, hemorrhoids with bloody and mucoid discharges, and dysentery. Also in amenorrhea, flatulency and spasmodic diseases, and in the form of injection in leucorrhea with relaxed vaginal walls. It will be found to be one of our best agents for the relief of menorrhagia.”
Priest & Priest tell us that it is a mild, slow, and stimulating diaphoretic that is best used for the first stage of acute fevers, and for atonic and relaxed tissues where there is free discharge or passive hemorrhage of bright red blood. They recommend cold preparations to stimulate the appetite and tone the digestive organs, and give the following specific indications: Acute stage of colds; influenza and respiratory catarrhs; chronic diarrhea and dysentery; epistaxis; intestinal hemorrhage, bleeding hemorrhoids, uterine hemorrhage; profuse or protracted menstruation; and leucorrhea.”
From Mountain Rose Herbs:
“The British Herbal Compendium notes that preparations of yarrow lower fevers, induce sweating, stop cramps, encourage menstruation, relieve inflammation, and stimulate the release of stomach acid to digest proteins and fats. The herb is taken internally to treat colds, fevers, and indigestion, and used in skin treatments of slow-healing wounds. The Complete German Commission E Monographs recommends sitz baths with yarrow added to the bath water to relieve pelvic cramps in women.”
Fennel is a perennial with yellow flowers. It is grow natively in Mediterranean, but it can be found now throughout the world. Fennel seed mostly use in cooking as flavored spice. Another function, fennel also use in medicinal problem.
Fennel used for digestive condition like intestinal gas, heartburn, and boating. It is also used for respiratory problem like cholera, bronchitis, cough, and visual problems. Many women using fennel to add the milk flow, prevent menstrual problem, and sometime to boost sex drive. It also main material in the alcohol absinthe, even the plant doesn’t have hallucinogenic agent.
Fennel seed nutrition
The reason as medicinal values, fennel has many benefit vitamins, minerals, nutrients, etc. The fennel seeds may says as the storehouse to many vitamins. Vitamin A, E, C and B-complex are concentrated in these seeds.
Health benefits of fennel seed
There are numerous health benefits of fennel seed, due the essential oils components.
Fennel seed exist anti-oxidant material inside it. These chemical has function removes free radicals from the body and protect from aging, infection, cancers, and neurological diseases. fennel seed has numerous health benefits, first thing it works as a antioxidant. The seed reduces unwanted radical in the body and prevent any diseases which can lead to serious stage. the antioxidant that contains in these seed is quercetin and kaemoferol are known to fight degenerative reactions and useful too in prevent ageing.
Reduce digestive problem
Fennel seed is rich of dietary fiber that helps increase part of the food by absorbing liquid throughout the digestive system and eased constipation condition. Fennel seed is most commonly used to treat flatulence and to reduce gases inside the stomach.
Protect the colon from cancer
Dietary fiber bind cholesterol and reduce their colon absorption. It helps lower cholesterol levels. With anti-oxidants, fennel fiber helps protect the colon from cancers. fennel seed extract is quite impressive to cancer protection. It knows that the extract can not only prevent the tumors growth, but it can plays as protection against the radiation effects during treating cancer. Fennel seed has known to be protection of numerous cancers.
Produce red blood cell
Fennel seed was contained many minerals like iron, zinc, copper, manganese, magnesium, calcium, and potassium. Copper is stimulates the red blood production. Iron is stimulates red blood formation. Zinc is stimulates red blood growth and developed. Potassium is an important property that helps control blood pressure. Manganese is powerful anti-oxidant.
Beats and breath
Taking a fennel seeds will refresh your breath, especially get rid of bad breath. The antimicrobial compound tackle the germs that causing bad breathing. The antibacterial compound also soothe sore gums. Chewing a little of fennel seed will sweeten your breath and reduce of bad breath. In addition, you can use a lukewarm fennel tea to rinse your mouth diminish bad breath.
Aid digestion
Fennel is beneficial to relieve digestion condition such as indigestion, flatulence, bloating, heartburn, constipation, colic, and even irritable bowel. This herb soothe the digestive tract and prevent the gas formed. Moreover, it help repair the digestive system after chemotherapy. So, when suffer from indigestion, you can drink fennel tea or fennel seed powder with water twice a day.
Reduce water retention
Regularly drink a fennel tea helps flush out fluids from the body as diuretic. You can relieve puffy eyes by apply strong fennel tea beneath your eyes. To prevent and relieve water retention, fennel helps reduce toxins and urinary problems. In addition, fennel has diaphoretic component that will provide perspiration.
Reduce obesity
Fennel is powerful to fight obesity and creates a fullness feeling. Fennel plays by boosting the metabolism and breaking fats. Fennel helps relieve water retention because diuretic, which is stimulate weight gain. Fennel seed contains various of dietary fiber that has essential function to the body. The fiber material helps fix digestion in the body, by breaking food molecules to create an energy.
Prevent cancer
Fennel helps decrease the colon cancer risk to develop because it removes carcinogenic toxins. This herb has an anti-inflammation that effecting on anti-cancer. A study found this phytonutrient could stop breast cancer from grow. Moreover, fennel seed has an anti-inflammation called anethole that helps reduce carcinogenic toxins and has anti-cancer effects. Other compound such as limonene and quercetin exist in this ingredient also has anticarcinogenic effects.
Reduce menstrual problem
Many factors may affect in menstrual cycle. Fennel seed has emmenagogue chemical that promote menstrual flow. The phytoestrogens in fennel seed can help issue related premenstrual condition and menopausal diseases. A study by researchers indicates that fennel can help diminish painful menstruation. Fennel traditionally used to promote lactation in mothers. Traditionally, fennel seed is also used to soothe pain reducer and relaxing women with menopausal.
Cure respiratory illness
Fennel contains expectorant properties that help reduce respiratory infections. Fennel seed is useful way to treat any respiratory disorders like cough, congestion, bronchitis, etc. due to its expectorant component. When suffer a cough and throat problem, you can drink fennel tea twice a day.
Prevent cardio problem
Fennel can relieve the risk cardio problem to grow. The potassium helps lowering blood pressure that potentially changes into a benign form. Fennel root is contains dietary fiber that helps to control cholesterol spread.
Stimulate healthy eye
Researchers have found that fennel can help relieve pressure on eye. It also helps to treat glaucoma, that associated to vision disease. Another researcher revealed that fennel seeds contained a compound that prevents vision loss. You can get these benefits by drink fennel tea.
Improve brain function
Fennel seed helps as a brain booster. Studies revealed that fennel seed helps increase cognitive performance. Fennel has high levels of potassium, which improved electrical conduction, stimulating to healthy brain and cognitive capabilities.
Reduce colitis
Early studies suggest that consuming fennel and combine like dandelion, calendula, and lemon balm, can reduce pain in people with colon swelling.
Studies found that drinking daily of fennel tea that combine with elderberry, anise, can reduce constipation. Fennel seeds can act as a laxative. It helps clear the bowels and helps maintain the proper peristaltic motion. Fennel mostly found in medicines to treat abdominal pain, diarrhea, etc.
Painful menstruation
Some study suggests that daily consuming fennel extract can reduce painful menstruation called dysmenorrhea. Fennel is also eases and regulates menstruation. Fennel is used to relieve the PMS effect and for menopausal women.
Reduce hirsutism
Another study reveals that using fennel cream for three months reduce hair on women body hair.
Cure constipation
Fennel seeds can act as a laxative in the powdered form. This medicine will helps to clear the bowels, and works to maintain the peristaltic motion. Laxative will also help provide precise excretion through bile production. That’s why, fennel seed commonly used in medicines to treat diarrhea, abdominal pain, Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and other.
Reduce effect sunburn
Applying fennel to the skin before ultraviolet exposure can diminish sunburn effect. Use this treatment as long as you want to go out.
Polymeric in fennel seed is useful in Renal Colic treatment. Another chemical compound called Phytoestrogens also found in the essential oil inside fennel seed. This fennel component makes helpful in Colic treatment. Fennel seed has antispasmodic property that helps to relax muscles and relieve with associated condition.
Treat anemia
Iron and amino acid which existed in the fennel seeds, are helpful to treat anemia. Iron is the hemoglobin constituent, histidine provide to hemoglobin production and helps in various blood components to form. fennel seed is helpful to cure an anemia.
Reducing inflammation
The components inside fennel seed is essential oils are stimulate digestive secretion. It reducing inflammation of the stomach and facilitating nutrients absorption from food. It can remove constipation and protect the body from troubles. Fennel has already known to relieve an inflammation and helps to protect eyes from conditions associated to aging, like degeneration.
Fennel is popular as anti-flatulent, caused by carminative properties found in fennel. Its extract can be used as a way to remove flatulence and expelling stomach gas. Fennel seed mostly used to relieve flatulence both in infants and children and non-ulcer dyspepsia symptoms.
Heart disease
Fennel is a great fiber sources, it also helps keep the blood stream healthy. This means trigger the cholesterol elimination, which is lead to heart disease, and strokes. it also works to keep cholesterol level stay healthy. This mean can eliminate damaged cholesterol, which is lead in strokes and heart disease.
Prevent breast cancer
The fennel seed extract has been studied relating cancer protection is impressive. The extract will not only avoid the tumor to grow, but it can protect during cancer treatment. Fennel seed extract has revealed to prevent various liver cancer and breast cancer.
Blood pressure
Fennel is rich of potassium, which is vital nutrient for important process. Potassium plays as a vasodilator, which relaxes the blood tension by diminishing blood pressure. Blood pressure is related to health issues, like heart attack, and stroke. and, for patients with diabetic conditions, high blood pressure can make glucose and insulin very difficult to manage. This condition can lead many potential complications. A cup of fennel seed in your diet program will increase potassium.
Brain Function
High levels of Potassium can be found in fennel bulbs and seeds. Potassium is an electrolyte, which increased electrical conduction in the body. Potassium helps to improve brain function and cognitive abilities. Fennel also supplies oxygen to the brain to work at optimal function. This includes brain connections which is electric switchboard. fennel seed is a vasodilator too, it means if the oxygen reach the brain in a big amunt, then neural activity works in maximal functionality.
Some special components in fennel seed which is essential oil has antibacterial and disinfectant properties. Fennel is commonly used over the world as mouth fresheners, antacid remedies and toothpastes.
Fennel seed has essential oil in the inside, and the essential oil contain cineole and anetol. This two compund have a same function as antibacterial and disinfectant. Fennel helps in treat diarrhea because the essential oil has antibacterial and disinfectant properties. An amino acids can aid the function of the digestive system, and eliminate diarrhea. Fennel has been used as a way to remove diarrhea and helps treat diarrhea that lead to indigestion.
Immune System
Fennel is element of diet. Vitamin-C increases immune system, repairs and produces skin layer, stimulated collagen formed, also protects the blood vessel. The antioxidant fights the free radical effects. 1 cup of fennel exists of vitamin-C that body needs daily. This vitamin makes fennel seed is beneficial component of our diet. Vitamin-C leads immune system, also repairs skin layer, produces collagen, and gives protection to the blood vessel. The antioxidant fight the free radicals effects that can affected to heart disease.
Breast Enlargement
Flavonoid can increase the estrogen amount. Fennel seeds helps increase the breasts size by stimulate the new cells formation and the breast tissues. Daily consuming a fennel tea on a same basis may improve the production of breast milk in mothers and cleaning out toxins from the body. The flavonoids act as a tonic and stimulant. Fennel helps improve the breasts size by formed a tissue and new cells in the breast.
Eye Care
Using fennel helps eyes protection, and reduces disorders related to macular degeneration. This is due to antioxidants which has benefit for skin rejuvenation and prevent from aging. Fennel juice can be applied on the eyes to reduce fatigue and eye irritation. This is due essential oil in fennel seed, like magnesium and cobalt.
Respiratory Disorders
Fennel is workful in respiration disorders such bronchitis and cough by Anetol and Cineole component. Fennel seeds powder can help fade phlegm, toxins loosening and eliminate respiratory conditions. This component also build the throat and nasal passages for recovery from respiratory disorder.
Bone health
Fennel seed helps prevent osteoporosis. Using this ingredient every day for six weeks can prevent bone break. Studies revealed that the bone-strengthening may be due to fennel ability to inhibit activity of bone-destroying cells.
Ocular pressure reduction
Chemical properties in fennel seed may stimulate healthy circulation, according to a study in 2012. Studies found that fennel seeds stimulate blood dilation. They noted that fennel contains nitrites higher than other seeds.
Skin glowing
Fennel seed is providing numerous vitamins to serve your skin that give you a younger skin. Fennel tea, if consumed on a daily routinely, helps to improve the skin texture as it cures acne and makes the skin look glowing and flawless. Besides that, fennel seed is also make hair stronger, avoid hair lossen, and has cooling effect. This can be applied with little sugar and salt.
†Results may vary. Information and statements made are for education purposes and are not intended to replace the advice of your . Health Care Provider.