Hi, I'm Nicole, Wife and Mother of two teenagers, Jesika & Anthony. Jesika was born with a congenital heart defect and DiGeorge Syndrome. We had many difficult years, Back and forth, between specialists and numerous surgeries. With Jesika having a compromised immune system, we spent a lot of time in the pediatricians office. It seemed like they were always quick to prescribe something. We quickly realized that we needed to start researching natural alternatives. That started our journey down the "Natural Path". I started her on Ionic Silver, Pre and Probiotics, Master Tonic. Olive Leaf Extract, Chlorella, essential oil blends and Organic Non- GMO foods. We never looked back. Anthony is a VERY active boy. He plays football and runs track. He takes Pre and probiotics, Master Tonic and Chlorella daily, to keep him healthy.
In 2008 a family member was diagnosed with MRSA. He spent months taking antibiotics that eventually stopped working. After countless hours of research, he stumbled upon Olive Leaf Extract and Colloidal Silver. Several weeks after taking the olive leaf extract and colloidal silver, the MRSA was gone. From that point on we have made huge life changes, from Organic NON-GMO foods, to natural alternatives for every aliment. We are excited about our new online store providing a natural and organic alternative to healthy living.
Desert Poppy Naturals® is a small family owned business based in Las Vegas Nevada. Our dedication and passion is to provide a product line that spreads wellness through the Power of Nature using only the highest quality Certified Organic, Wild Crafted and China Free ingredients available. All Natural Health and Wellness Supplements for the whole Family.